IDA (Student who diligent and smart)
RISKY (A diligent student but often troublesome friends)
YOGA (Student who are diligent but a little less of programming)
UAS , this event as an event that is very confusing for most students. The amount of task to be done, a lot of lesson that must be mastered, even attendance problems often haunts college students who are truant. It is also shared by the three students who happen to them getting a group to work on structured programming for UAS. Because the UAS was only a matter of days, then one day they are promised to do the work in the UAS on campus.
Setting: in one of the classroom on the campus. In the classroom there is Risky and Yoga are waiting Ida came to do the task.
Risky : Hhmm, Ida has not arrived yet?
Yoga : Try to telephone her, who know her is forgotten.
Risky : OK, (Risky call Ida)
However, his call was not answered by Ida
Yoga : How?
Risky : No answer
Their face expressions were confused. Then a moment later Ida came.
Ida : hay guys, you have been a long time for waiting for me?
Risky : Yeah, we are confused thinking about the task.
Ida : I’m sorry, there was still hours of class. By the way, you have what extend to do the task?
Yoga : We don’t get anything from before, because we are confused.
Ida : What? You haven’t worked at all? Though it is collect tomorrow?
Risky : So, we are waiting for you Ida, because we are confused the before.
Ida : Okay, we still have five hours before this campus is closed to completing this task. Let us start form the division of task.
Yoga : Ida, I will make the report, you know that I’m not good at programming.
Ida : Okay, no problem. And you Risky? What do you want?
Risky : Hhmm, I want to help Yoga.
Ida : Huft, did you know? We must have to finish the program firs, before doing on the report.
Yoga : Yeah we know, but we don’t understand about the task.
Risky : So, we hope you Ida…
Ida : You told me to do this task by myself?
Yoga : Well, what can make?
Ida : You should not be like that. So, what the point we are gathered here to do the task? We are a team, you know that right?
Risky : We know, sorry Ida.
Yoga : But, we cannot help anything.
Ida : Who says? You certainly can, anyway we can learn together right?
Risky : A good idea, we are here not just to do the task, but also to learn together.
Ida : Okay, let’s begin!
Yoga : Spirit!
(They are seriously finishing the task)
(Yoga is serious in front of the laptop, suddenly his frowned and asked Ida)
Yoga : Ida, you know where whether it hurts?
Ida : Hhmm, I think I know, let me see.
Yoga : Well it turns out wrong.
Ida : So, to write syntax like this must start with a bunch of ‘Private Sub’ and ends with ‘End Sub’.
(One of the command in VB)
Yoga : Okay, thank you Ida.
Ida : You are welcome.
(Risky who had been busy working on the report, suddenly put an brilliant idea to make the title of the program that they make)
Risky : Ida, Yoga, I have an idea about the title for our program. How if the title of our program like this? (While showing the concept to Ida and Yoga)
Yoga : Hhmm, perhaps.
Ida : Okay, the concept has been completed.
Risky : What about the others?
Ida : Syntax that I made was 80 percent. How about Yoga?
Yoga : Hhmm, I was 30 percent.
Risky : Don’t worry Yoga, let me help you.
Yoga : Okay, we act.
Ida : Eits, before resuming the task, let us drink first, certain you are thirsty right? This I take a drink for you.
Risky : Yeah, we are thirsty.
Yoga : Thank you Ida.
Ida : Okay, after this we go again, there is still 2 hours. Spirit!
Risky n Yoga : Spirit!
(They were I the spirit of each one doing their job until an hour has gone)
Yoga : Yes, finally over.
Ida : Really? You’re done?
Risky : Yes, look at this.
Ida : Well, you are great. Our program has been completed.
Yoga : How about your program, Ida?
Ida : I also finished.
Risky : So? Our task is complete? Wow, really did not believe we can finish it.
Ida : That’s because we work together. A job if done together, certainly it would be lighter and faster completion.
Yoga : Very true words.
Ida : Okay, now we can go home early.
Risky : Yes, thank you my friends to learn today.
Ida : Next time we can study together again, okay?
Yoga : Okay, it could be arranged.
Ida, Risky, n Yoga laugh together.
Ida : Okay, I will go home now. See you tomorrow.
Risky : Be careful on the road.
Ida : Okay, bye.
Risky n Yoga : Bye.
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